Applications of NMN

Learn about NMN


What's NMN, anyway?

NMN, which is short for nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a substance generated naturally in your body from vitamin B3 and plays a vital role in the activity of the cells.
NMN is a precursor of NAD (nicotinamide dinucleotide), an indispensable coenzyme that exists in the cells of all organisms.
NMN is created in your body from vitamin B3 naturally, but your body gradually loses its ability to generate it as you get older.
In 2011, a world authority on NMN, Professor Shin-ichiro Imai (Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Behavioral Biology, School of Medicine, Missouri, US), reported its existence and effects.
Research on NMN is currently ongoing at a global scale and its results are in the media spotlight.

What are the rejuvenating sirtuin genes
that NMN activates?

We can expect anti-aging effects from NMN. The “rusting of the body” caused by active oxygen is one of the causes of aging. Your body produces active oxygen when you breathe. Active oxygen causes the oxidation of your body and is one of the factors behind the proliferation of wrinkles on your skin and bad cholesterol.
If certain genes are activated, we could prevent aging, and rejuvenate. These genes are the sirtuins, the longevity genes, and they exist all over your body. We all have them, and sirtuins are considered to prevent aging and prolong lifespan. NMN is in the spotlight because it is a next-generation component that could rejuvenate us from a genetic level as it provides energy to the sirtuin genes.

Main applications of NMN

Inhibition of body weight

Scientists observed for 1 year two groups of mice (one group received NMN, and one did not), and they reported that the amount of food the NMN group ate increased even as they got older.
However, their energy metabolism had elevated to levels hardly different from those of young mice. They were burning fatty acids to generate energy, and as a result, they almost didn’t get any weight with age.

Inhibition of bone density decrease

After a long-term administration experiment with mice, they had a slight increase of bone density. Scientists think this is due to the action of NMN to stimulate bone marrow stem cells to form more bone and less fat.

Improvement of insulin sensitivity

In an experiment with mice, it was reported that the insulin sensitivity in the whole body was improved. Insulin sensitivity refers to the ease with which insulin works; the higher the sensitivity, the easier it is for insulin to work. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Diabetes is a condition in which insulin does not work sufficiently, so the cells cannot take in sugar from blood properly and as a result there is excessive sugar in the cardiovascular system.
Professor Imai’s group published in the scientific journal Science that NMN enhances muscle insulin sensitivity in a clinical study of postmenopausal women with prediabetes. The subjects of this study were women because NMN had shown greater effects in female mice in previous research. Postmenopausal prediabetic women were divided into two groups, and only one of them took NMN, resulting in skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity increased on average by 25%.

Inhibition of decline of cognitive functions

A different research group from Professor Imai’s has reported that administration of NMN to mice suppressed cell death in the brain’s hippocampus, which is closely related to Alzheimer’s disease.

Anti-aging action

In a mice experiment carried by a group of researchers led by Professor Imai, a wide range of anti-aging actions were observed. For example, they got more active and their immune cells increased. The difference between the NMN group and the control group became apparent in mice that were in the age range that’s equivalent to 40s and 50s in humans. The mice in their 70s (again, human equivalent) became also more active. This is related to the activation of the sirtuins, a coenzyme that controls aging and lifespan. Also, many other research institutions have reported that blood vessels remain flexible and different organs and tissues increase their activity.

If you want the real thing,
take the only NMN supplements recognized
by the world-leading authority on NMN

World-leading authority on NMN Professor Shin-ichiro Imai blows the whistle on the pandemonium of NMN capsules available on the market and warns that the only products whose safety on humans has been proven are Mirailab Bioscience’s.
We bring you NMN products with almost no impurities, full β-NMN (never α-NMN) with an absolute purity over 99%, unmatched by any other company.
In addition, we were the first in the world to conduct human clinical research, and since we have the only in-house research laboratory specialized in NMN in Japan, we got ourselves a reputation as pioneers of NMN bio-venture, handling everything from research to sales.
If you want the real thing, take Mirai Lab’s academia-quality NMN supplements.

Collapsible content


According to various research institutes, the purity of our NMN is 99% or higher, and it has also been confirmed that it is highly safe for both humans and rodents. Only one other company in the world is offering such high-purity NMN nutraceuticals (as of April 2022).

For more information, please see Strong points of Mirai Lab's supplements.

What are the risks related to optical isomers?

For your safety and peace of mind, Mirai Lab's products do not contain any α-NMN at all. Our NMN is manufactured accoding to a special, precise method so that the result is exclusively full β-NMN.
For more information,please see Mirai Lab's NMN substance

What's the β-NMN that you use?

There are two types of NMN, α-NMN and β-NMN, which have different molecular structures.

The molecules α-NMN and β-NMN are called optical isomers because they have the same type and number of atoms, but the connections beetween them point at different directions.
The NMN we need by nature is β-NMN.
β-NMN is produced by the human body, while unnecessary α-NMN is not.
Many companies manufacture NMN following a cheap process of chemical synthesis with the only goal of reducing costs. When they do that, the possibility of ending up with a mixture of α-NMN and β-NMN is very high. Please note that β-NMN, without a trace of α-NMN, can only be produced through a very precise manufacturing process.
Mirai Lab's NMN supplement is a high quality product containing only β-NMN.
For more information, please see Mirai Lab's NMN substance.

Do you conduct human medical studies?

Mirai Lab's NMN was the first in the world to be used in a safety test on humans. In addition to demonstrating its safety, we confirmed the expression of the sirtuin genes, an increase in melatonin and other growth hormones in a long-term (24-week) administration clinical study at Hiroshima University School of Medicine.

Should I take any precautions when using your products?

Please refer to list of ingredients of the products and do not consume if you are allergic to any of them. In rare cases, the products may not suit you depending on your physical conditions.
In that case, please stop the intake. If you are taking any medicine or receiving any medical service, please consult with your doctor before taking. Please observe the recommended daily intake, as a larger dose will not cure any illness or improve your health. Keep out of reach of children.

How much should I take per day?

Please observe the recommended daily intake. Take your supplements with water.

Do your products contain allergens?

Our products do not contain any allergens that must be stated according to the laws of Japan. However, we kindly ask you to read the list of ingredients before you take any of our products. In you find any ingredient that could pose any danger to your health, please do not consume.

Do you use any genetically modified materials in your products?

No, we don't.

I'm breast-feeding. Can I take your products?

Since this product is not a drug, it can be taken just like any other food.

However, you can find the list of ingredients and warnings on the product details page and package, so if you have any allergies or other concerns, please read them and consult your physician before consuming.

Is there a Best-before or a Use-by date?

Yes, there is.
Generally speaking, you can consume your products within 2 years after manufacture, but you have more details on the product package.
Please do not hesitate to contact us viaWeb inquiryon if you need further information.

How should I store your products?

Please keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Are there any side effects?

We haven't received any reports regarding side effects, but before using the products, please refer to the list of ingredients if you have any allergies.